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Recommendations of experienced translators/interpreters:

Translation. Recommendations to the translator and the client (Russian union of translators, in Russian)

Бюро переводов РОЙД. Памятка для внештатных сотрудников (подрядчиков) в отношении регистрации, ведения учета и сдачи отчетности в качестве индивидуального предпринимателя (PDF 1,3 МБ)

Recommendations to freelance translators/interpreters (in English)

Resources for the translator (in English)

Register in international translators/interpreters catalogue (in English)

Register in international translation agencies catalogue (in English)

Practice opportunities for translation/interpretation students

Клуб переводчиков — промежуточное звено между работой на предприятии и учебной аудиторией (СПР)

Kazan league of volunteer interpreters Project website Vkontakte.ru group

Books and magazines on translation/interpretation

Р-Валент publishers "Мир Перевода" magazine

Russian associations of translators/interpreters and linguists

Translators union of Russia (СПР)

Lingvo lexicographers association

National interpreters league

"Translators city" portal

Volgograd translators/interpreters association

National Association of Applied Linguistics


Internet dictionaries and machine translation engines

www.multitran.ru www.multilex.ru www.lingvo.ru www.wordreference.com www.suzlek.ru

Google Translate Prompt Online

Wider list (page in English)

"Translation Memory" based solutions

SDL Trados WordFast


Simply useful links (in Russian)

Everyone, who has legally entered the Russian Federation, has the right to move freely, choose his location and place of residence.
Russian Federation constutution, Art.27

Free language courses in Moscow - information in Russian
Lingvin.com - magazine for active joyous people and all those who are interested in culture of other countries and learn foreign languages.


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