Homepage about on interpreting Tatarstan agencies foreign language programs in RT useful links international organizations group publications (in Russian)

Translators and interpreters - are specialists in applied linguistics. We are all unique and serve different functions.

A set of articles to get better idea about the profession better (Russian) - http://www.ucheba.ru/prof/595. html

A set of articles on "Translation and interpretation studies" programs - http://www.ucheba.ru/spec/ 50117.html

Examples of work we do

Вычитка корректуры, письменный и устный (последовательный и синхронный) перевод, подготовка субтитр, голос за кадром, управление переводческими проектами, копирайтинг, оперативная полиграфия, веб-дизайн, реклама, услуги гида, исследования рынка, консалтинг, преподавание (языковые курсы), высшее исполнительное руководство

Examples of software translators use

SDL Trados Wordfast DejaVu OmegaT Passolo Multicorpora Across Alchemy Catalyst TransSuite2000

«Information technologies in translation» course (Russian Union of Translators and Interpreters, in Russian)


Russian Federation colleges, providing "Translation/Interpretation studies" programs

RF Ministry of education and science website - http://www.edu.ru/mon/abitur/act.7/spe.031202/index.php

Russian military training centers on translation/interpretation studies - http://www.uvc.mil.ru/pages/ main/specialties/1860/2831/ index.shtml

Websites of some very famous

Mikhail Zagot Pavel Palazhchenko Andrey Chuzhakin

and simply good interpreters

Vyacheslav Mazurov Denis Uspeshny Michelle de Raaij (Holland)


The list can be further updated. Send all proposals and comments to admins.

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