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Translation/interpretation studies and cross-cultural communication - departments and faculties

ецос - Department of cross-cultural communication principles

хяцг - Faculty of translation/interpretation

хщсо - Department of translation/interpretation studies

йцхщю - Department of "Linguistics and cross-cultural communication" (кХлй)

йцтщх Supplemental qualification "Translator/interpreter in the field of professional communication" program

йцрс-йюх: "Translator/interpreter in the field of professional communication" (хдон: скж "пЮДСЦЮ" - supplemental program)

мцкс, Naberehznyje Chelny branch - Linguistics and cross-cultural communication

мцкс, Kazan branch


Departments and faculties of foreign languages

юцлс ОПХ оПЕГХДЕМРЕ пр - Department of linguistics

юцмх - Department of foreign languages

юян-йячх - Department of foreign and state languages

йЮГцсйх - Department of foreign languages

йцюяс - Department of foreign languages

йцюс - Department of foreign languages

йцлс - Department of foreign languages

йцс Language institute Institute of Oriental Studies Faculty of Philology

йцрс-йюх - Department of foreign languages - Oriental and European languages division

йцрс-йурх "Lingva" school of foreign languages

йцрс-йурх Department of foreign languages in professional communication ( хъой )

йцщс - Department of foreign languages

мцох - Faculty of foreign languages

рхяах - Department of philology

рццос Faculty of foreign languages Foreign languages institute

пхс Department of philology and country studies

List of colleges and universities at Republic of Tatarstan government portal

List of colleges and universities of Tatarstan at Russian ministry for education and science website


Ethnic societies and cultural centers

List of ethnic-national and cultural societies of RT at Tatarstan people's assembly website

RT German house

Alliance-Francaise Kazan

American center in the RT National library

Spanish educational and cultural center in Kazan State University

"Al-Khadara" Arab culture center in Tatar State University of Pedagogics and Humanities

Italian center in Kazan State University of Architecture and Design




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